SIIC has been incredibly hard at work preparing our crew to shepherd you along your customized experiences. That's why we're so excited that we finally have a date when these will become available: Monday, March 7th 2022.
We're marking these as experimental for now, so please share anything you run into in our Discord so we can work on fixes!
We'll be performing some backend maintenance from 07:00 UTC (Click here to see in your local time). This maintenance is expected to last around 6 hours. You'll be able to download the update around 09:00 UTC and launch the game to see the options, however you will not be able to find a game or start any custom games. Join our Discord to stay up to date with the maintenance in case things go really well and you can get in early.

But what are these customized experiences? Well, they're a new way for you and your friends to enjoy everything the Alithea has to offer. For now, custom experiences are going to look a little barebones. This is intentional: we want to make sure every aspect of custom experiences works well before we add on anything new.

Your first decision in your custom experiences is how many Personoids you want traveling with you! By using these two sliders when purchasing your ticket, you can either pick a set amount of Personoids or pick a range and let us decide for you. While your cruise can consist entirely of Personoids, should any of them meet their demise the trip will be ended short. We recommend a range of 1 to 4 for a true mystery cruise experience!

Up next we'll need you to let us know how many syringes we should be stocking in each area. Our general cruises have a prepared amount that should cover all needs, but we know custom experiences can be a little crazy so you might need more just in case. This selection will only affect the main areas, so please be sure to stay safe in the area just outside of your cabins.

Last but not least, let us know how many areas of the Alithea you want to explore! We'll extend the trip length to account for this to help you get the best experience onboard. Are you a student who wants to get a look at CAIN to learn about Her in all Her glory? You can also skip the other experiences and go straight to CAIN by setting this option to zero.
We look forward to opening up custom experiences for all passengers! For now, you will still need 6 passengers signed up to be able to access custom experiences. This is also our first iteration and we plan on giving you more ways to choose your cruise in the future. Please feel free to give us feedback in our Discord or on our feedback site, so the community can help determine the direction these cruises go in.
We'll release full patch notes once the update is available. For now, enjoy your champagne while you and your friends decide on how you want your experiences to go.
- Invisible Walls
Custom Games are a fantastic addition, allowing players to create and enjoy unique experiences! This opens up exciting possibilities for the community. For game developers, outsourcing game development can be a great way to expand resources and bring fresh ideas to the table. It’s clear that customizability in games is becoming a huge trend, and I’m looking forward to seeing how this feature evolves. It’s always exciting when games allow for more creative freedom and player involvement!